
Here you will find our press releases, blog posts and news.

We have signed the FIBS Diversity Charter

We have signed the FIBS Diversity Charter.

Touchpoint of View: The right size and care increases the lifespan of workwear

Extending the lifespan of clothing is the best possible act of sustainability that each one of us can influence. If we can extend the lifespan of clothes, we can avoid the need for new materials and production. Each stage of textile production creates emissions, so the longer the garment is used, the less need there is to produce new ones.

Touchpoint of View: A Glimpse into our 2023

The year 2023 has now been going on for a while and already at this stage we can say that another interesting and fast-paced year is ahead of us. We already have two new team members at Touchpoint.

2022 Recap

The year 2022 is coming to an end and it's time to look back at everything that has happened in our company. Here is a light overview of our year!

Touchpoint of View: From workwear to workwear - Where are we now?

Earlier this year, we told about our project to develop a new high-quality recycled workwear material together with Klopma/TDV and Rester. In the project, old work clothes are collected from Touchpoint's customers, Rester Oy recycles them into new recycled textile fiber, and Klopman/TDV is responsible for fabric production. The closed-loop of workwear has been our vision for a long time and now we have taken concrete steps towards it.

Touchpoint of View: EU's separate textiles waste collection and recycling obligation

Many have certainly come across in the news or on other channels about the EU's future separate textiles waste collection and recycling obligation for textiles, which concerns the recycling of end-of-life textiles.