Touchpoint to acquire Domino Workwear Oy

Touchpoint broadens its horizons by acquiring Tampere-based workwear company Domino Workwear Oy. With complementary strengths, the companies can significantly bolster their capabilities. From the beginning, Touchpoint has focused on promoting sustainability. The company is committed to transforming the textile industry from the point-of-view of workwear companies. Respectively, Domino Workwear has for years been a trusted partner for several key players in Finland. The company is well-known for guaranteed quality and reliable delivery.
By joining forces, the companies take a leap forward in developing their workwear service offering, first in Finland, and in the future, internationally. The acquisition provides Touchpoint the opportunity to offer workwear services to a wider range of businesses and industries. Customer-centricity and innovation will continue to be at the heart of the company’s operations. Touchpoint offers its partners modern ecological workwear solutions with functional design, a circular service model for used textiles, and professional and reliable customer service for projects of all sizes.
“We will continue to be customer-centric, innovative and inspiring in our way of doing what we do. As a partner, we enable modern workplace ecological workwear solutions with robust and functional design, a circular economy service model for recycled textiles, and we respond to larger projects with solid professionalism and reliability,” says Outi Luukko.
The combined expected revenue is approximately 15 million euros for 2019 (Touchpoint’s financial year finishes 31.3.). Outi Luukko will continue as the CEO, heading up a team of 20 people in total. The companies will carry on operating from Helsinki and Tampere. Founder of Domino Workwear, Pekka Rajala, starts as a board member in Touchpoint and Arto Pitkänen will continue in daily operational business. “We are thrilled to be joining forces. We have boosted our capabilities and can help provide the best possible service for our customers,” Outi Luukko continues.