Ilmainen webinaari: Sustainable procurement for 2030
Tiesithän, että seuraavan tekstiilihankintasi tulisi sisältää tekstiilejä, joissa on kierrätettyä sisältöä. Hankintakriteerit muuttuvat, ja perinteisten materiaalien saatavuus vaikeutuu tulevaisuudessa.
Osallistu maksuttomaan webinaariin ja kuule, mitä toimia sinun tulisi tehdä jo tänään, jotta voit täyttää tulevaisuuden vaatimukset. Webinaari on kansainvälinen ja puhekielenä toimii englanti.
Sign-up open now, register here
FREE WEBINAR January 25th 2024
Did you know that:
- The way you buy textiles will change soon by legislation
- Recycled workwear is already here, ready to be produced
- You should and can buy less workwear for your next procurement
- These changes can and have already been done and they will have a significant positive change to our industry's overall commissions
Join us to hear what actions you can do today to comply and change the future
sign up for January 25th at 9 CET
Speakers at
Enough is Enough- webinar:
Mr. Stephane Popescu – What is EU working on regarding textiles and textile procurement? How has France taken the leading position in sustainable textile procurement?
Mrs Hanna Lehmuskoski – How has Finnish retail giant Kesko been gaining an advantage from sustainable procurement?
Mr. Tomi Hilvo – What is Sustainable Sales & Management here in the Nordics?
Mr. Anders Mixe – What does it take to reform the procurement? Case Swedish healthcare company Capio.
Mrs Noora Salonoja – What concrete actions a workwear company can take to enable sustainable procurement?
Tomi Hilvo will discuss with Anders Mixe and Noora Salonoja about their new approach to workwear procurement. They will talk about rethinking workwear and textile solutions and how the change is already here.
Anna-Kaisa Huttunen – How to join the “new normal” from the recycler’s perspective.
